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Data Science Weekly Newsletter
September 13, 2018

Editor's Picks

  • Anatomy of an AI System
    A large map & long-form essay about Amazon's Echo, and the full stack of capital, labor, and natural resources used in AI...
  • Dense Pose Transfer
    In this work we integrate ideas from surface-based modeling with neural synthesis: we propose a combination of surface-based pose estimation and deep generative models that allows us to perform accurate pose transfer, i.e. synthesize a new image of a person based on a single image of that person and the image of a pose donor...

A Message From This Week's Sponsor

  • Industry Themes & Conferences per Pacoid! Read Episode 1

    In this brand new monthly series, Paco Nathan
    will summarize highlights from recent industry conferences, new open source projects, interesting research, great examples, amazing people, etc. – all pointed at how to level up your organization’s data science practices.
    Read episode 1 today
    , and subscribe to the Domino Data Science Blog to automatically get emailed next month's episode!

Data Science Articles & Videos

  • A survey of food recommenders
    Everyone eats. However, people do not always know what to eat. They need a little help and inspiration. Consequently, a number of apps, services, and programs have developed recommenders around food. In this survey, we review the food recommender literature. We cover the types of systems in terms of their goals and what they are recommending, the datasets and signals that they use to train models, the technical approaches and model types used, as well as some of the system constraints...
  • Fine-Grained Car Detection for Visual Census Estimation
    The US spends more than $1Bn a year gathering census data such as race, gender, education, occupation and unemployment rates. In this work, we leverage the ubiquity of Google Street View images and develop a computer vision pipeline to predict income, per capita carbon emission, crime rates and other city attributes from a single source of publicly available visual data...
  • Training Millions of Personalized Dialogue Agents
    Current dialogue systems are not very engaging for users, especially when trained end-to-end without relying on proactive reengaging scripted strategies. In this paper we introduce a new dataset providing 5 million personas and 700 million persona-based dialogues. Our experiments show that, at this scale, training using personas still improves the performance of end-to-end systems...


  • Data Scientist - Dataminr - NYC
    We are Dataminr, the leading company that turns social media into real-time, actionable alerts. Our ability to find and deliver information faster than any traditional source has completely revolutionized how critical, relevant and actionable information reaches the news, finance, public sector and corporate security industries.
    You're a dedicated Data Scientist who wants nothing more than to help us sort, analyze and deliver relevant information from terabytes of unstructured data in the social media space. You will build machine learning models to transform social media feeds into actionable items. You will also work with engineers, product managers and other teams to solve challenging problems with your data science skills...

Training & Resources

  • Flatten A TensorFlow Tensor
    Learn how to use the TensorFlow reshape operation to flatten a TensorFlow Tensor, via a screencast video and full tutorial transcript...
  • TransmogrifAI: Automated machine learning for structured data.
    TransmogrifAI (pronounced trans-mog-ri-phi) is an end-to-end AutoML library for structured data written in Scala that runs on top of Apache Spark. It was developed with a focus on accelerating machine learning developer productivity through machine learning automation, and an API that enforces compile-time type-safety, modularity, and reuse...


  • Bayes Theorem: A Visual Introduction For Beginners
    "This book takes what can be a daunting and complex subject and breaks it down with a series of easy to follow examples which buildup to deliver a great overall explanation of how to use Bayes Theorem for basic analysis and even off-the-cuff critical thinking"...

    For a detailed list of books covering Data Science, Machine Learning, AI and associated programming languages check out our resources page

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